Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The 'Ineeda' Box

Okay I guess that I have become a Pinterest junky!  Never thought that would happen but wow so many people sharing things they have found and things I might have never seen otherwise.  Anyway I found this post about a box a woman made for her car.  It isn't an 'emergency' box like with jumper cables but for the everyday emergencies like runny noses.  We have been using ours for about a month or so and it has been so helpful especially when I drive for field trips.  I had to restock it after field day at the local park I don't think any of those kids left with the skin on their knees.  Now the original post has how to create a really cute outside to the box I took the super simple way out and found a cute diaper wipes container so I didn't have to dress it up.  I liked the Huggies one because it has a really sturdy hinge.  The wipes went to the kindergarten class for craft days and a few went into a ziplock for emergencies, I should have put them all in a bag for restock but didn't think I would go through them as fast as I have.  So a run down of my stuff

Ineeda Box Contents
Clorox Wipes
Vinyl Gloves
Safety Pins
Hair Bands
Headache Reliever (my kids are driving me crazy I need some now too!)
Hand Lotion
Hand Sanitizer
Band Aids
Baby Wipes
Empty Shopping Bag (for garbage, vomit whatever happens ya know?)

So what would you put in your box?  I would love to hear some ideas to make this box even better and honestly these things hold way more than it looks like they can.  Have a great week!

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